YHWHcore Plataforma de Intercambio Comunal
La Comuna
Es una forma de organización social, política y económica popular de carácter local y participativo, donde los individuos desarrollan diversas instituciones de autogobierno para cubrir y regular sus fines comunes con miras a ser autosuficientes en la medida de lo posible.
Smart Contract
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YHWHcore (MAN)
YHWH Core versión v1.0.0.0-unk (64-bit)
Copyright (C) 2019 The YHWH Core DevelopersSoftware experimental.Copyright (C) 2009-2019 The Bitcoin Core DevelopersCopyright (C) 2014-2019 The Dash Core DevelopersCopyright (C) 2015-2019 The PIVX Core Developers
Verificar Smart Contract
Smart Contract TRC20 TRON
YHWHcoin TRC20 TRONEs un Criptoactivo soberano. Emitido por El Banco de Economía Comunal de la Comuna Socialista LA PAZ a través de la Cadena de Bloques del Sistema TRON.
El YHWHcoin TRC20 criptoactivo emitido para lograr la descentralización del sistema Económico Comunal del sistema financiero de los Bancos Centrales.
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YHWHcoin (YHWH)Smart Contract TRC10 TRON
Criptoactivo de recompensa se puede adquirir por medio de canje de YHWH Coin TRC10 adquirido en la Preventa, AIRDROP GUILCHAT, Telegram, promociones, recompensas, sorteos, trueque, canje, compra en plataformas digitales Compra en la Oferta Inicial abierta a la participación del público en general. en el mercado secundario una vez terminado el proceso de Oferta Inicial y en los BANCOS de ECONOMIA COMUNAL, autorizados por la BANCA MULTICENTRICA PLURINACIONAL ABYA YALA.
YHWHcoin es un Criptoactivo soberano. Emitido por El Banco de Economía Comunal de la Comuna Socialista LA PAZ a través del (MVT) TRON, sobre su plataforma de cadena de bloques. El YHWH coin. criptoactivo emitido para lograr la des-centralización del sistema Económico Comunal del sistema financiero de los Bancos Centrales.
Para PC
Recomendamos la Extension TRONlink para el intercambio TRC10 y TRC20.
Descripción general
La primera y más popular billetera TRON. Recomendado por la Fundación TRON.TronLink se lanzó por primera vez en el sitio web oficial de TRON y cuenta con el respaldo de la fundación TRON. TronLink es la billetera TRON con más usuarios, viene en tres versiones (Chrome Wallet Extension / iOS / Android), y está buscando la extensión de billetera Chrome para TRON .
Función principal:
Envíe y reciba tokens TRX, TRC10 y TRC20; Integre llamadas de contratos inteligentes en el sitio de los desarrolladores; Use Dapps dentro del navegador.
Sobre TRON:
La capitalización de mercado de TRON se encuentra entre las 10 principales a escala mundial. Desde el 25 de junio de 2018, TRON migró sus tokens ERC20 a Mainnet de TRON, haciendo de TRX una criptomoneda independiente.
Para SmartPhone
Recomendamos la App TRONlink para el intercambio TRC10 y TRC20.
YHWH (TRC-10) 1002628
YHVHcoin is a sovereign Cryptoactive. Issued by the Community Economy Bank of the LA PAZ Socialist Community through the TRON System Block Chain.The YHWH Cryptoactive Tokens issued to achieve the decentralization of the Community Economic system of the Bank's financial system Centrals.
The YHWH Cryptoactive Tokens issued to achieve the decentralization of the Community Economic system of the Bank's financial system Centrals Opening the execution and development of our platform for Crypto Assets as a Community Economic Exchange System in function of the insurgency of the Popular Power.
Reservation of denominations or names of the different forms of organizations of the Popular Power of the Organized Community of the BARINAS CAPITAL COMMUNAL DISTRICT, Constituent of Agrarian and Socialist Communes is described below [square brackets with image of Claw], established in RESOLUTION ES-010 OF THE SOCIALIST AXIS, Duly Protocolized to the Public Registry Office with Notarial functions under No. 03, Folios 18 to 30, First (1st) Protocol, Second (2nd) main Volume, Fourth quarter of the year two thousand sixteen. "The gerarchic symbol between points and square brackets". synthesize the titling chain of more than four thousand (4,000) Base Council of the Popular Power. Establishing itself through this title chain of Blocks Articulation of the community in general with the INTI-EJE Presidential Commission SOCIALIST THE NEW GEOMETRY OF POWER. Articulation of Fact of Law and Justice which prescribes the social and geographical scope as a system of communal aggregation.
it is foreshadowed that the forms of construction of supremacy will only be achieved accelerating the change of the ECONOMIC SYSTEM, transcending the Petroleum Rentista Model, to the Productive Economic Model, giving way to a more egalitarian and just society, sustaining in the role of the Social and Democratic State, of law and Justice, in order to continue advancing in full satisfaction of the basic needs for the life of our people: Food, Water, Electricity, Housing and housing, public transport, health, education, public safety, access to culture, communication, free, science and technology, sports, healthy recreation and decent work liberated and liberating, turning VENEZUELA into a Social and Political Power Country within the nascent power of Latin America and the Caribbean, and guarantees the execution of peace zones in our America, contribute to the development of a New International GeoEconomy, in which it takes body a Multicentric and Pluripolar World, which allows to achieve the balance of the Universe and We need Planetary Peace. Preserve life on the planet and preserve the Human Species, translating in the need for the Execution of an ECOSOCIALIST Productive Economic Model, Based on a harmonic relationship between man and nature, and the rational and optimal use and exploitation of Natural resources, representing Natural processes and cycles.
The advancement of new technologies allows for the implementation of reliable information systems, that will allow the transition process of our society and that of bureaucratic democratism be much more flexible, reduce public expenses and achieve the ultimate irruption of the state Bureaucratist, our platform aims to integrate the different systems that it currently manages the public administration in Venezuela as a pilot plan, for more reliable systems in the use of Resources Economical and its equitable and equal distribution of it, our platform will positively impact the environment Environment, significantly reduces the ECOCIDIO, reduces the operating time and connectivity of the Conventional banking platforms, reduce energy consumption, obtain real-time data, it allows to achieve a better management control over the use of collective public resources eradicating the correction, the reduction of budget in the electoral processes, due to the reduction of consumption of natural materials; as paper, plastics among others at 0%, with the implementation of digital contracts adapted to give greater guarantee to the consultative processes. the elimination of contaminating stationery that generates lush sums of public expenses in collection, recycling, transportation, the eradication of processes obsolete and a step towards raising awareness of social systems.